Johnnie Walker Black Label 750ml


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Johnnie Walker Black Label 750ml

Johnnie Walker Black Label 12 Year Old is a versatile and well-balanced blended Scotch whisky with a rich, smooth, and smoky flavor profile. It is an excellent choice for anyone seeking a high-quality Scotch without the complexity and high cost of aged single malts.

Johnnie Walker Black Label 750ml The hints of dark chocolate in the whisky make it an ideal match for rich desserts, such as dark chocolate mousse or chocolate truffles.

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Johnnie Walker Black Label 750ml

  • Johnnie Walker Black Label 750ml is a masterful blend of around 40 single malt and grain whiskies from across Scotland, aged for at least 12 years.
  • The result is a timeless classic with depth and balance of flavor: rich and smooth with notes of sultanas, citrus, toffee, spices, oak and a unique wood smoke finish.
  • Subtle hints of oak and a faint whiff of spiced wood make their way through, adding to the whisky’s complexity.
  • There’s also a gentle citrus zest, a trace of dark chocolate, and an earthy richness that becomes more apparent as it breathes.
  • ABV (Alcohol by Volume): 40%.
  • A rich, deep amber color with golden highlights, reflecting its well-aged character.
  • Bottle Design: Iconic square bottle with the distinctive black-and-gold label, symbolizing luxury and tradition.
  • Long and warming, with lingering notes of smoky peat, oak, and a hint of spice.
  • Unopened: Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
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Johnnie Walker Black Label is well-balanced and smooth. It opens with a sweet, malty note followed by the warmth of oak and light smokiness.

Johnnie Walker Black Label 750ml


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