Asconi Kiss Me Now 750ml
Asconi Kiss Me Now 750ml is often favored for its easy-drinking style, with a smooth, clean finish. It comes in various formats, typically bottled in elegant glass bottles, making it a great option for both everyday enjoyment and special occasions.
KSh1,650.00Asconi Kiss Me Now 750ml
KSh1,650.00 -
Asconi Moscato 750ml
Asconi Moscato 750ml It is a sweet wine with a delicate and fruity character that is both appealing and aromatic. This Moscato is a great option for people who prefer a well-balanced sweetness in their wine because of its refreshing flavor. It has a 7% alcohol content.
KSh1,550.00Asconi Moscato 750ml
KSh1,550.00 -
Asconi pastoral 750ml
Asconi Pastoral 750ml is a unique red wine from Moldova. It is a liquor wine made from Cabernet Sauvignon. The wine has an expressive nose of plum and cherry mingling with vanilla and a hint of spice
KSh1,650.00Asconi pastoral 750ml
KSh1,650.00 -
Delush Sweet Red 750ml
Delush Sweet Red 750ml
Delush Sweet Red 750ml is a delightful and approachable wine, offering vibrant flavors of strawberry, cherry, and a touch of spice. Its smooth sweetness and 10% ABV.
Delush Sweet Red is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a fun and flavorful red wine that can be enjoyed in a variety of settings.
KSh1,000.00Delush Sweet Red 750ml
KSh1,000.00 -
Delush Sweet White 750ml
Delush Sweet White 750ml
Delush Sweet White 750ml is a refreshing and aromatic wine with a delightful balance of sweetness and crispness. With its vibrant fruit flavors of peach, apricot, and citrus, it offers a smooth and easy-drinking experience.
Delush Sweet White stands out as an ideal choice for casual occasions or special moments where a refreshing white wine is needed
KSh1,000.00Delush Sweet White 750ml
KSh1,000.00 -
KO Apple & Ginger Cider 330ml
KO Apple & Ginger Cider 330ml
KO Apple & Ginger Cider 330ml is a delightful blend of flavors that offers a refreshing twist on traditional ciders. Its balance of apple sweetness and ginger spiciness makes it a unique and versatile drink for any occasion.
Whether you’re enjoying it straight from the bottle, on ice, or mixed into a creative cocktail, this cider provides a crisp and satisfying experience. Perfect for those who appreciate bold flavors and want to explore new tastes
KSh280.00KO Apple & Ginger Cider 330ml
KSh280.00 -
KO Apple & Lime 330ml
KO Apple & Lime 330ml
KO Apple & Lime 330ml is a delightful, flavored cider that blends the natural sweetness of ripe apples with the zesty tang of lime. This combination creates a crisp, light, and refreshing drink perfect for any occasion.
Its effervescent texture and balanced sweetness make it a versatile choice for both casual sipping and pairing with light meals or snacks.
KSh280.00KO Apple & Lime 330ml
KSh280.00 -
KO Cider Lime & Ginger 330ml
KO Cider Lime & Ginger is part of the KO Cider range, celebrated for its modern approach to cider-making. Crafted using the finest ingredients, this cider reflects a commitment to quality and flavour innovation. Gluten-free and vegan-friendly, it appeals to a wide audience, ensuring inclusivity in every bottle.
KSh280.00KO Cider Lime & Ginger 330ml
KSh280.00 -
KO Classic Gin 750ml
KO Classic Gin 750ml
KO Classic Gin 750ml offers a refined and smooth gin experience, with a perfect blend of botanicals and citrus. Whether you prefer it neat, on the rocks, or in a cocktail, it provides a refreshing and versatile option for any occasion.
With its crisp flavor profile and South African craftsmanship, KO Classic Gin is a delightful choice for gin enthusiasts
KSh3,000.00KO Classic Gin 750ml
KSh3,000.00 -
KO Honey & Lemon 330ml
KO Honey & Lemon 330ml
KO Honey & Lemon Cider is a delightful cider that blends the smooth sweetness of honey with the refreshing zest of lemon. This unique combination creates a balanced, crisp, and light drink perfect for any occasion.
With an ABV of 4.5% and packaged in a convenient 330ml bottle, KO Honey & Lemon Cider is ideal for enjoying chilled or over ice.
KSh280.00KO Honey & Lemon 330ml
KSh280.00 -
KO Honey Cider 330ml
KO Honey Cider 330ml
KO Honey Cider 330ml is a naturally sweet and smooth cider infused with the rich, floral taste of honey. This delightful beverage offers a perfect balance of honey’s soothing sweetness and the crisp freshness of cider, making it an ideal drink for both casual and special occasions.
Packaged in a convenient 330ml bottle and featuring a 4.5% ABV
KSh280.00KO Honey Cider 330ml
KSh280.00 -
KO Mango & Chilli 330ml
KO Mango & Chilli delivers a fun and exciting taste experience in a compact and easy-to-carry 330ml bottle. Perfect for spice lovers and those seeking something different, this drink offers a refreshing departure from the ordinary
KSh280.00KO Mango & Chilli 330ml
KSh280.00 -
KO Mango & Ginger 330ml
KO Mango & Ginger 330ml
KO Mango & Ginger Cider 330ml delivers a vibrant and refreshing drinking experience with its tropical mango sweetness and spicy ginger undertones. Whether you’re unwinding on a warm day, hosting a get-together, or looking for a unique beverage to complement your meal, this cider offers a flavorful and exciting twist.
With an ABV of 4.5%, KO Mango & Ginger Cider is best served chilled to fully appreciate its fruity and zesty character.
KSh280.00KO Mango & Ginger 330ml
KSh280.00 -
KO Pineapple & Mint 330ml
KO Pineapple & Mint 330ml is a pineapple mojito made in Kenya. A ready-to-drink beverage made with ripe pineapples from Kisii that are honeyed, juiced then mixed with fresh mint and lime.
KSh280.00KO Pineapple & Mint 330ml
KSh280.00 -
Savanna Cider Dry 330ml
Savanna Cider Dry 330ml is a premium, crisp, and refreshing dry cider that delivers a perfect balance of tart and sweet flavors. Made from the finest apples, this cider offers a clean, crisp finish with a hint of fruitiness, making it the ideal drink for cider enthusiasts
KSh300.00Savanna Cider Dry 330ml
KSh300.00 -