Asconi Kiss Me Now 750ml
Asconi Kiss Me Now 750ml is often favored for its easy-drinking style, with a smooth, clean finish. It comes in various formats, typically bottled in elegant glass bottles, making it a great option for both everyday enjoyment and special occasions.
KSh1,650.00Asconi Kiss Me Now 750ml
KSh1,650.00 -
Asconi Moscato 750ml
Asconi Moscato 750ml It is a sweet wine with a delicate and fruity character that is both appealing and aromatic. This Moscato is a great option for people who prefer a well-balanced sweetness in their wine because of its refreshing flavor. It has a 7% alcohol content.
KSh1,550.00Asconi Moscato 750ml
KSh1,550.00 -
Asconi pastoral 750ml
Asconi Pastoral 750ml is a unique red wine from Moldova. It is a liquor wine made from Cabernet Sauvignon. The wine has an expressive nose of plum and cherry mingling with vanilla and a hint of spice
KSh1,650.00Asconi pastoral 750ml
KSh1,650.00 -
Black & White 1L
Black & White 1L has smoky undertones and is smooth, mild, and peppery. It has a light gold color, delicious biscuit and oak scents, notes of fine grain whisky, a hint of peat, and a brief finish with oak, vanilla, and honey flavors.
The 1L bottle provides great value, making it an ideal choice for those looking to stock up on a reliable, quality whisky without breaking the bank.KSh1,700.00Black & White 1L
KSh1,700.00 -
Black & White 250ml
Black & White 250ml is a smooth, easy-drinking blended Scotch whisky, offering a balanced flavor with notes of honey, vanilla, and a hint of peat smoke. Its light and mellow profile makes it perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or mixing in classic cocktails.
KSh500.00Black & White 250ml
KSh500.00 -
Black & White 375ml
Black & White Whisky 375ml
Whisky lovers seeking a versatile, easy-to-drink Scotch whisky. Perfect for casual evenings, social gatherings, or for mixing into cocktails. Black & White Whisky is a fantastic option for both beginners to Scotch and those who appreciate a lighter, more approachable whisky.
Crafted by blending carefully selected malt and grain whiskies, Black & White delivers a refined yet approachable taste. Its light and smooth profile is characterized by gentle hints of malt, soft vanilla sweetness, and a delicate touch of smokiness.KSh730.00Black & White 375ml
KSh730.00 -
Black & White 750ml
Black & White 750ml
Whisky lovers seeking a versatile, easy-to-drink Scotch whisky. Perfect for casual evenings, social gatherings, or for mixing into cocktails. Black & White Whisky is a fantastic option for both beginners to Scotch and those who appreciate a lighter, more approachable whisky.
Crafted by blending carefully selected malt and grain whiskies, Black & White delivers a refined yet approachable taste. Its light and smooth profile is characterized by gentle hints of malt, soft vanilla sweetness, and a delicate touch of smokiness.
KSh1,400.00Black & White 750ml
KSh1,400.00 -
Sierra Silver Tequila 1L
Sierra Silver Tequila 1L
Sierra Silver Tequila 1L offers a clean, refreshing tequila experience with its light, crisp flavor and smooth texture. Whether sipped on its own or mixed into your favorite cocktails, this silver tequila is a premium and versatile choice.
Enjoy neat, on the rocks, or in classic cocktails like margaritas, tequila shots, or palomas.
KSh3,200.00Sierra Silver Tequila 1L
KSh3,200.00 -
Sierra Tequila Gold 1 Litre
Sierra Tequila Gold 1 Litre
Sierra Tequila Gold 1 Litre offers a rich, smooth, and flavorful drinking experience. With its balance of sweet agave, caramel, and subtle spice notes, it is an ideal choice for sipping or mixing into your favorite cocktails.
The 1-litre bottle of Sierra Tequila Gold features a bold and distinctive design, with a label that reflects the quality and character of the tequila.
KSh3,200.00Sierra Tequila Gold 1 Litre