58 Classic Gin 750ml
58 Classic Gin 750ml
5.8 Classic Gin 750ml is a refined and timeless spirit that captures the essence of classic gin while offering a contemporary twist. Its well-balanced flavor profile and smooth texture make it a versatile choice for any occasion, whether you’re enjoying it as a neat sip or mixing it into your favorite cocktails. This gin is an excellent choice for those who appreciate the finer details of a premium gin experience.
KSh700.0058 Classic Gin 750ml
KSh700.00 -
58 Spiced Orange 350ml
58 Spiced Orange 350ml
KO 58 Spiced Orange Gin 350ml is a bold and versatile gin that brings together the best of traditional gin botanicals with a refreshing twist of spiced orange. Its complex flavor profile and smooth texture make it a great option for both experienced gin enthusiasts and newcomers alike. Whether enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or in a creative cocktail, this gin offers a unique and satisfying drinking experience.
KSh700.0058 Spiced Orange 350ml
KSh700.00 -
58Spiced Orange Gin 750ml
58 Spiced Orange Gin 750ml
58Spiced Orange Gin 750ml offers a unique and refreshing combination of citrusy orange and aromatic spices, delivering a smooth and flavorful gin experience.
For a sweet and spicy contrast, enjoy it alongside your favorite ice cream. KO Gin Cocktails: Explore the versatility of 5.8 Spiced Orange Gin by sippingKSh1,600.0058Spiced Orange Gin 750ml
KSh1,600.00 -
Altar Wine 750ml
Altar wine 750ml
Altar wine is an essential part of Christian rituals, offering a simple yet sacred wine crafted for religious use. With its smooth, balanced flavor profile and appropriate alcohol content, it fulfills the needs of ceremonial practices.
The alcohol content is moderate, ensuring the wine is appropriate for sacramental purposes while still reflecting the quality of traditional winemaking.
It is not generally consumed as a table wine but is cherished for its role in religious rites.
KSh1,400.00Altar Wine 750ml
KSh1,400.00 -
Flirt Vodka 1Ltr
Flirt Vodka 1Ltr
Flirt Vodka is of very high quality. In order to precisely eliminate all contaminants, the pure vodka passes via silver ions: This unique silver filtration technology enables flawless purification through a drawn-out, intricate procedure that demands extreme precision and constant supervision.
KSh1,400.00Flirt Vodka 1Ltr
KSh1,400.00 -
Flirt Vodka 700ml
Flirt Vodka 700ml
Flirt Vodka is a popular option for parties, casual drinking, and mixers at bars and clubs since it is known for offering high quality at a reasonable cost. For those seeking a simple, adaptable vodka that works well for a range of applications, its clear profile and ease of use make it a great choice.
KSh1,050.00Flirt Vodka 700ml
KSh1,050.00 -
Flirt Vodka Lemon 1L
Every taste of Flirt Vodka Lemon 1L is a delightful experience of smoothness and zesty refreshment, not just flavored vodka. This vodka will improve your drinking experience and is ideal for people who value quality and a strong citrus kick.
The balanced flavor profile makes it a versatile ingredient for a wide range of cocktails.KSh1,250.00Flirt Vodka Lemon 1L
KSh1,250.00 -
Flirt Vodka Orange 1 L
Flirt Vodka Orange 1 L is a flavoured vodka that is infused with the essence of fresh oranges. Flirt Vodka orange runs through a process of continuous multiple distillations of 100% grain alcohol, which ensures its absolute purity. Good quality vodka is well-filtered vodka
KSh1,250.00Flirt Vodka Orange 1 L
KSh1,250.00 -
Flirt Vodka Strawberry 1L
Flirt Vodka Strawberry 1L
Flirt Vodka Strawberry 1L the sweet and refreshing strawberry flavor of this version of the traditional Bulgarian vodka is as good on its own as it is with soda water and ice cubes. It also has a pleasant, light scent.
KSh1,250.00Flirt Vodka Strawberry 1L
KSh1,250.00 -
Kane Extra 250ML
Kane Extra 250ML
Kane Extra 250ML is a premium agave spirit that offers a sophisticated drinking experience, showcasing the best of Mexican craftsmanship. Its rich flavor profile makes it an excellent choice for sipping and cocktail mixing, delivering a taste of luxury in every pour. Whether you’re new to agave spirits or a seasoned enthusiast
KSh250.00Kane Extra 250ML
KSh250.00 -
Kenya Cane 250ml
Kenya Cane 250ml
Kenya Cane 250ml offers a convenient and flavorful introduction to the world of Kenyan cane spirits. With its moderate sweetness, smooth texture, and versatile flavor profile, it’s perfect for both casual sipping and creative cocktails. Whether enjoyed straight, on the rocks, or mixed into a refreshing beverage, this spirit provides a taste of Kenya’s rich tradition in a compact, easily accessible format.
KSh350.00Kenya Cane 250ml
KSh350.00 -
Kenya cane 350ml
Kenya Cane 350ml
Kenya Cane 350mlis a premium cane spirit that offers a unique and rich drinking experience, capturing the essence of Kenyan sugarcane with each sip. This spirit stands out for its smoothness, depth of flavor, and versatility, making it a great choice for a variety of drinking occasions.
Whether enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or mixed into cocktails like a Cane Mojito or a Kenya Cane & Cola, it delivers a balanced sweetness with subtle hints of vanilla and caramel, creating a well-rounded and satisfying taste profile.
KSh480.00Kenya cane 350ml
KSh480.00 -
Kenya Cane Citrus 250ml
Kenya Cane Citrus 250ml
Kenya Cane citrus is a uniquely flavored spirit that brings the essence of tropical paradise to your glass. Its smaller bottle size makes it perfect for personal use, while its dynamic flavor profile offers a refreshing experience when enjoyed straight or as part of a cocktail.
Best served neat, on the rocks, or mixed into a vibrant drink.
KSh350.00Kenya Cane Citrus 250ml
KSh350.00 -
Kenya Cane Citrus 750ml
Kenya Cane Citrus 750ml is a smooth cane spirit with a refreshing citrus twist, featuring 40% ABV. Perfect for sipping neat or mixing in cocktails, it offers a zesty lemon-lime flavor.
Made from sugarcane, the base of the spirit, with natural citrus flavors such as lemon and lime added to enhance its freshness.
The infusion of citrus spices gives the drink its unique twist while maintaining the high-quality distillation process of the original Kenya Cane.KSh880.00Kenya Cane Citrus 750ml
KSh880.00 -
Kenya Cane Original 750ml
Kenya Cane Original 750ml
Known for its smooth and vibrant taste. Made from sugarcane, it is a versatile spirit that is ideal for mixing into cocktails or enjoying neat.
With its distinct flavor and rich tradition, Kenya Cane has become a beloved drink in East Africa. The 750ml bottle size offers a generous quantity, making it perfect for parties, gatherings, or personal enjoyment.
KSh880.00Kenya Cane Original 750ml
KSh880.00 -
Kenya Cane Pineapple 250ml
The Kenya Cane Pineapple 250ml
The Kenya Cane Pineapple 250ml offers a convenient and flavorful experience for those who enjoy the fusion of tropical fruit and spirit. Its smaller size makes it ideal for individual use or sampling, providing a burst of refreshing pineapple flavor wherever you go.
Best enjoyed on its own, in a cocktail, or as a base for creative drinks, this flavored spirit is a versatile choice that brings a taste of the tropics to any setting.
KSh350.00Kenya Cane Pineapple 250ml
KSh350.00 -
Kenya Cane Pineapple 750ml
Kenya Cane Pineapple 750ml
Kenya Cane Pineapple offers a rich and vibrant flavor profile that combines the smoothness of traditional cane spirit with the sweet, tangy notes of ripe pineapple. This flavored spirit provides a delightful experience for the senses, characterized by its natural sweetness and tropical depth.
Refreshing, fruity, and versatile, making it ideal for sipping on its own or elevating tropical cocktails.
KSh880.00Kenya Cane Pineapple 750ml
KSh880.00 -
KO Passion & Lime 330ml
KO Passion & Lime 330ml
KO Passion & Lime 330ml is the ideal choice for anyone looking to enjoy a tropical burst of flavor on the go. Its blend of passion fruit and lime offers a refreshing drink that’s perfect for hot days, outdoor activities, or simply as a delicious treat. This beverage is low in calories, making it a great option for those who want to enjoy a sweet, fruity drink without the extra calories. Whether served on its own or with a side of fresh fruit,
KSh280.00KO Passion & Lime 330ml