Balozi Lager Can 500ml
Balozi Lager Can 500ml
Balozi Lager Beer offers a smooth, approachable, and consistent drinking experience that reflects its quality craftsmanship. The balance of flavors ensures it remains light yet flavorful, making it a go-to option for casual enjoyment.
KSh250.00Balozi Lager Can 500ml
KSh250.00 -
Black & White 1L
Black & White 1L has smoky undertones and is smooth, mild, and peppery. It has a light gold color, delicious biscuit and oak scents, notes of fine grain whisky, a hint of peat, and a brief finish with oak, vanilla, and honey flavors.
The 1L bottle provides great value, making it an ideal choice for those looking to stock up on a reliable, quality whisky without breaking the bank.KSh1,700.00Black & White 1L
KSh1,700.00 -
Black & White 250ml
Black & White 250ml is a smooth, easy-drinking blended Scotch whisky, offering a balanced flavor with notes of honey, vanilla, and a hint of peat smoke. Its light and mellow profile makes it perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or mixing in classic cocktails.
KSh500.00Black & White 250ml
KSh500.00 -
Black & White 375ml
Black & White Whisky 375ml
Whisky lovers seeking a versatile, easy-to-drink Scotch whisky. Perfect for casual evenings, social gatherings, or for mixing into cocktails. Black & White Whisky is a fantastic option for both beginners to Scotch and those who appreciate a lighter, more approachable whisky.
Crafted by blending carefully selected malt and grain whiskies, Black & White delivers a refined yet approachable taste. Its light and smooth profile is characterized by gentle hints of malt, soft vanilla sweetness, and a delicate touch of smokiness.KSh730.00Black & White 375ml
KSh730.00 -
Black & White 750ml
Black & White 750ml
Whisky lovers seeking a versatile, easy-to-drink Scotch whisky. Perfect for casual evenings, social gatherings, or for mixing into cocktails. Black & White Whisky is a fantastic option for both beginners to Scotch and those who appreciate a lighter, more approachable whisky.
Crafted by blending carefully selected malt and grain whiskies, Black & White delivers a refined yet approachable taste. Its light and smooth profile is characterized by gentle hints of malt, soft vanilla sweetness, and a delicate touch of smokiness.
KSh1,400.00Black & White 750ml
KSh1,400.00 -
Tanqueray Royale 700ml
Tanqueray Royale 700ml
Tanqueray Royale 700ml is a sophisticated fusion of bold blackcurrant flavors, creamy vanilla undertones, and classic botanicals, offering a unique and indulgent twist on traditional gin.
Its luxurious taste, versatile nature, and striking presentation make it an excellent choice for elevating cocktails, gifting, or savoring on special occasions.
KSh3,100.00Tanqueray Royale 700ml